Market Day
It’s just a guy. Market Day is just a guy.
This endearing French village is not the one where you might encounter a bustling street full of vendors with antiques, sellers of every variety of cheese, light linen clothing, samples of exotic spreads or olive oil or other treasures you never knew you longed for..
In this village, calendars are marked for Saturday morning to happily wait in line to harvest vegetables from a single stand. A single Market Guy. Patrons think through weekly meals while tossing a plentiful lot of veggies into the plastic basket before checking out. Wishing a ‘bonne journee,’ Market guy throws in a fistful of parsley with every purchase. Everyone loves Market Guy.
To fill in the marketing chinks (wine),
you can visit the Vidal. It’s a tiny grocer with the inventory of a Circle K. There, the owner’s grandson operates the scanner at the check out.
The owner’s grandson is a BABY.
He’s three. Maybe four.
A baby scans my Chardonnay.
But nothing compares to Thursday. It’s Bakery Guy day. We’ll talk then.
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